Borage: botany, benefits and uses of borage
Borage, the essentials in 3 points:
-Helps maintain skin’s health and radiance
-Beneficial for hormonal balance
-Optimizes renal elimination of water and contributes to the proper functioning of the urinary tract
To promote the body’s well-being, phytotherapy calls on the benefits of a large number of plants, shrubs and trees. Borage is one of the most commonly used plants in this field.
Find out more about the botanical characteristics of borage
This is a common herbaceous annual in the Borraginaceae family. It can grow up to 80 cm tall. It has a medium-sized, hairy, hollow, robust stem. Sometimes branched at the top, the stem is filled with a colorless juice. The plant’s leaves are broad and alternate. They can be recognized by their blade, the surface of which is entirely covered with bristly hairs. Borage has a special characteristic: all the green parts of the plant give off a pleasant cucumber odor. Borage generally flowers between mid-July and mid-September. During this time, the plant is covered with small flowers grouped in slightly pendulous cymes. The flowers change from violet to sky-blue, then to pink as they decline. Each flower has 5 petals, 5 stamens and 5 hairy sepals. Visually, the silhouette of the flowers is reminiscent of a star. Borage fruits are generally very rough tetrakenes. They contain small, black, wrinkled seeds.
About borage habitat and cultivation
Originally from the Near East, borage is found in North Africa and throughout Europe. It is also very common in France. In the wild, it can be found along roadsides, in rubble and on abandoned land. The plant also likes to grow close to vegetable gardens. The beauty of its flowers makes borage a much-appreciated ornamental plant. It adorns the beds of parks and gardens.
Borage is an undemanding plant in terms of soil type and climate. For an attractive plant, we recommend growing it in soil with a neutral pH, light and well-drained. Well-exposed, lightly shaded sites are also preferable. Plants need space to grow properly. That’s why we recommend spacing plants about 40 cm apart. To help borage thrive, remember to water it regularly, especially young plants. In addition, a good mulch will do it a world of good.
Learn more about the different uses of borage
Herbal medicine uses mainly the aerial parts, i.e. the leaves and flowers. These two parts of the plant contain variable levels of mucilage, tannin and potassium salt. They are also naturally rich in pyrrolizidine alkaloids and allantoin. The plant’s flowers and leaves also contain flavonols, including kaempferol and quercetin. It’s these active ingredients that give borage its benefits. In fact, these active compounds act synergistically to stimulate the body’s elimination function. They optimize renal elimination of water and contribute to the proper functioning of the urinary tract. To enable everyone to enjoy the benefits of borage, different product formats are now available: borage extracts can be found in capsule, capsule and oil form. Specialized stores and websites also offer borage extract preparations for infusions and herbal teas. For your own well-being, we encourage you to seek the advice of a phytotherapist before taking any dietary supplements. This professional is the only one able to advise you on the type of plant to use and the product format to prefer. The herbalist will also advise you on dosage and the ideal duration of the cure. In some cases, this can last several months. In addition, a healthy lifestyle and a varied, balanced diet are highly recommended. In addition to its use in phytotherapy, borage is a common ingredient in cooking. Finely chopped, the plant’s leaves accompany raw vegetables, salads and even sauces. The leaves can also be cooked and eaten as fritters. Borage flowers are also a delicate addition to salads. For fresh salads, we advise you to pick or buy only the flowers and leaves.
Our France-Herboristerie products, composed of Borage:
-Our Borage oil capsules:
-Our oil capsules of Borage combined with Evening Primrose:
-Our Borage vegetable oils: