Marshmallow: properties, uses and botany of this plant

Marshmallow, the essentials in 3 points:

-Supports transit

-Improves digestive function

-Contains significant quantities of polyphenols, amino acids, starch, amino acids and phenolic acids.

An ornamental plant par excellence, marshmallow is also an ingredient of choice in phytotherapy. Like other plants in the Malvaceae family, marshmallow is naturally rich in active ingredients.

What are the botanical characteristics of marshmallow?

Also known as officinal mallow, it is a very vigorous common plant with a sturdy stump. Easy to identify, marshmallow has a thick root that supports several stems at a time. Rigid, these stems are generally unbranched, if at all. The entire plant is covered in distinctive white bristles. They give marshmallow an attractive, slightly felted appearance. Mallow leaves are thick, velvety and lobed, with serrated edges. Up to 8 cm long and around 4 cm wide, they have a superb silvery-gray color. The leaf blade is particularly soft-textured. Its veins are quite pronounced and its velvety white color is quite remarkable. Marshmallow blooms between July and September. Flowers appear directly in the axils of the upper leaves. Marshmallow flowers are pentamerous, with 5 pink petals and a column of stamens welded to purple anthers. The flower’s pistils emerge from the hollows of these anthers. These produce very light, disc-shaped seeds, which are dispersed by watering and rain.

About the ideal habitat and growing conditions for common mallow

Marshmallow is a plant native to Western Asia and Europe. But it can be found all over the world, in Asia, Africa and even Russia. In the wild, it is particularly at home in humid environments. In fact, this plant is often found near streams, marshes and ditches. Marshmallow also has the advantage of being easy to grow. It tolerates all types of soil, but prefers those with a basic pH. For vigorous plants, fresh, fertile soils with a clayey tendency are recommended. Mallow likes sunny but lightly shaded locations. For permanently cool soil, it’s a good idea to water the plant regularly and mulch the soil. When grown in the right conditions, mallow can quickly form an attractive, upright clump. It can even grow up to 1.5 m tall. Marshmallow is also a hardy plant. It tolerates frost very well, provided the soil is well drained.

The phytotherapy benefits of marshmallow

The roots, leaves and flowers of marshmallow officinale are used in herbal medicine. These parts of the plant contain mucilage. This contains arabinogalactans and galacturonorhamnans. It also contains significant quantities of polyphenols, amino acids, starch and phenolic acids. These various active ingredients act synergistically to promote gastrointestinal comfort. They support transit and contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. These same active ingredients also contribute to the body’s general well-being. Today, marshmallow extracts are available in a variety of formats to facilitate consumption. These include capsules and tablets. Sachets for herbal teas and decoctions are also available from specialized websites and stores. To vary the way you consume marshmallow, it’s also easy to make a marshmallow syrup. Use 20 g of roots for half a liter of water and 1 kg of sugar. To take full advantage of the benefits of marshmallow, it is always advisable to follow the dosage instructions. We invite you to pay close attention to the leaflets of our food supplements, and to contact a phytotherapist if necessary. This professional can provide you with all the information you need. He or she can also advise you on which product formats to choose and the ideal length of your course of treatment. Before, during and even after your cure, we always encourage you to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced and varied diet will also do you a world of good.

Our France-Herboristerie products with Marshmallow:

-Marshmallow Roots herbal teas :

100 grams, 250 grams, 1kg

-Marshmallow leaf herbal teas:

100 grams, 250 grams, 1kg

Don’t hesitate to contact us at 0384763406 if you have any questions about our products!